The Historic Cottage will be open again soon on Saturdays from 10-12.

Chapel By The Sea

100 Chapel St.

This is the original site of the first church built on Estero Island in 1938. It served all denominations as a small community church and at that time faced Chapel Street, with the parsonage built in 1940. the left.

In 1950, an assembly hall, pastor's study, and kitchen were added, and later the chancel was remodeled with choir stalls, as seen above. During this time, the chapel was no longer referred to as the Community Church but as the Presbyterian Church, while other churches were being built on the island.

The Chapel's Fellowship Hall was completed, with choir and Sunday school rooms, with the church entrance on Chapel Street.

 The last service in the little church was held in 1984, and the new, larger sanctuary opened with the entrance facing Estero Blvd. in 1985.  

Up until Ian, the Chapel By The Sea was still meeting the needs of the growing beach community.

The buiding suffered much damage and its future remains uncertain.

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